

Saturday, September 7, 2024

£XpLaiNing ReVeLaTion 12 13-17

        WeeKly BooK oF Revelation
                paraphrased study
[After the woman, the faith, fled (Jerusalem in 70CE) and time had passed.. and after “war in heaven”] 13 - the dragon, when he saw that he was now limited to Earth, pursued (persecuted, inquisitioned) the woman, the faith, who had given birth to the manchild (Son of man/Christ). 14 But the woman, the faith was given the two wings of an eagle, that she might fly (sail) to the wilderness to a place of her to be nourished and grow [in a widest sense] for a time, times and half (a division of) time, safe from the face [prosópon - presence, face, advantage] of the serpent [of “the dragon, ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan ..deceiver of the whole world” vs.9].
     15 Then (after the 1, 2 and ½ divisions of time) the serpent spewed water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, the faith. In order to wash her away with a flood, from off the face of the Earth.
     16 But (in the vision John was seeing) the earth helped the woman. It opens its mouth and swallows the flood, the dragon had poured from his mouth after her. (A spiritual flood, a strong delusion? as to “origins” declaring man most high, “seated in the temple as god”/highest power; and? widespread drought just before Armageddon/next verse). 17 And the dragon was furious with the woman, the faith, and went off to make war upon the rest of her offspring, on those who keep the commandments of God. And (by then, Mt.23:39) hold to the testimony of Jesus.
     And the dragon stood on the sand of the sea.


Review: Chapter twelve is the second telling of the revelation vision. It is between the other two tellings - 6:1-2 to 11:19, but a trick with the seals keeps the vision veiled. They, the elements of the vision (and age) are described at the beginning of the vision as a swirl of their full and entire effects, first to very last. Especially pronounced in the 6th seal and the following 7:1,3 (9,4) where we presently still are. Jesus as going from ascension to chapter 5.. White horse rider being the “good news to all”. Red horse rider is mankind/empire’s response.. Don’t fear the pale rider, etc, Ps.91. — Third telling is 13:1 - “Then I saw rising out of the sea a great beast/entity/institution with ten horns”/powers/seats.. 13:1 to 19:11.
     Test - 13:13 as 1st seal 6 event, pinpoints an office, not (yet?) an individual. (The 3 mentions of lake of fire are at huge, fiery, earthly events.)

🗝️ [  ] - word/language insights, facts, cross references, etc.
      (  ) - thots

See Intro - This Year’s Revelation Study

      The logic of things running their 
         course as opposed to some
                    sort of ant farm.

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