

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Can you tell me where in the chapter is the U.S.?

Is the U.S. in Bible prophecy? In the Book of Revelation?
Before we move on from the pause of thermonuclear being used as warfare, it's important to note a second way in which the Revelation vision is obscured. At least three chapters are inserts. The most prominent being chapters twelve and thirteen. Each one is a history and account of its own.

Revelation chapter twelve begins by showing us a woman. One with a circle of twelve stars around her head and who is about to give birth to a manchild (Son of man). She is Israel. But even more so, she is the instrument of God.

The dragon (called Satan, verse 9) tries to devour the manchild (Son of man) as soon as He is born - "and Herod had the male children of Bethlehem put to the sword" - but He was caught up to God and His throne, where He now sits on the right hand of God (Ephesians 1:20).

The dragon, enraged, pursued the woman (Israel, 70 A.D.) and the woman fled, a first, for the most part, migration of the faith. Christianity, now, for a time, the instrument of God, begun with the twelve apostles. (Note: Disciple Judas was replaced, Acts 1.)

There is war in heaven, Satan and his one third angels are no longer allowed celestial access, and he in great wrath persecutes (inquisitions) the woman. But she is given the two wings of an eagle that she may fly (sail?) to a new place where she is kept safe from the face of the dragon for 3.5 (modern) divisions of time.

There may indeed be a days of great tribulation fulfillment of Revelation chapter 12, with the 3.5 being computed differently, but I see this as 1620+350=1970 when the serpent (guise of the dragon) spewed water as a flood (vomited a proliferation) after the woman in an attempt to wash the woman (the faith) from off the Earth. But the Earth opens its mouth and swallows the flood (resulting in drought, see Luke 23:29,31).

Then the dragon returns his attention (fully) to the remainder of the woman's children who has the commandments of God and (by now) the testimony of Jesus (see Matthew 23:37,39 and Revelation 16:14,15,16).


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