

Sunday, March 1, 2015

God Is Very Geo-Political

Over and over in the scriptures of the Bible, God makes mention of "the nations".

"The nations will trust in Him" is prophesied and written, perhaps by every Biblical prophet.

When Jesus was born, it was prophesied "the nations have seen a great light". And it's prophesied when Jesus returns "He will judge between many nations" (it goes on to say "they will beat their swords into pruning hooks and plowshares, neither shall they learn war anymore, but each one will dwell under their own vine and fruit tree, and no one will bother them"). (Micah 4:3,4)

I get the sense after mankind's history, God will be fully vindicated, good totally triumphant. "All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the LORD" - capitalized to refer to the Father - "and all families will rejoice before Him" - Psalm 22:27.

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