

Friday, October 8, 2021

Weird Things In The Book of Revelation

The Fifth Trumpet (Rev.ch.9)

While pondering this part of the book of revelation vision this morning - well let me start by saying, I’ve long felt these swarming, loud locusts which sting with their tail and head to be John’s description of something in modern warfare.

   Always a little puzzling, is how these have faces like men and hair like women(?) So my thought that the swarming, intimidating locusts are helicopters has had that question in it. But today reading through a list of commentaries (on biblehub dot com) I read that perhaps as Eastern thought goes, a face like a woman would be clean shaven, and that of a man, not. And, to have hair like a woman, long hair? ..With golden crowns is still a mystery but I read today maybe turbans? I’ve thought of the crowns as the helicopter blades/wings, that make all that noise, but golden?

   I was thinking about all this when into my mind came the vision/imagination like a movie scene (I’ve seen at some time) of a closeup of the ‘face’ of a helicopter while flying, and you can fully see the pilot. It unreeled (lol) like this - as though John saw it as a group of helicopters/locusts all flying together in formation when one veered off and came toward him for a close up and inside was a bearded man, with I think long hair and short turban. Then that one rejoined his flight. (Now I’m thinking ‘where are they going’?)

   These locusts “torment men for five months.. but only those who have not the (spiritual) seal of God on their forehead”. Of course I did have to think of all the armaments and helicopters left in Aphganistan.. sadly to come back to bite (or sting)..

   Well, this is all in the interesting day of a gramma.. The view out the window during these thoughts was a grey autumn fogginess.

   The verses: “Then the fifth angel sounded! And I saw a star fallen from heaven ..he was given the key to the bottomless pit ..opened it, and smoke rose out of the pit ..the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke.. and out of the smoke locusts..” (Rev.9:1-3, Joel’s cloudy day?) And vs. nine eleven - “And they had as king over them the angel/so called ‘god’? of the bottomless pit, whose name is destroyer..” But has a different name to his followers..?

    Rolling Stones: “Wh-wh what’z my name!?”

   If you like riddles.. biblical prophecy is tops in that department.

  — don’t worry be happy.. all this human world weirdo ‘life’ is going to be replaced! “They will beat their swords/weapons into plowshares, neither shall they learn war anymore, but everyone will live under their own vine and fruit trees and NO one will bother them or make them afraid” Micah 4:3-4.

Friday, July 30, 2021

Where In Prophecy Are We

We are, and have been for some time, at Rev.7:1,3 - the holding back of any recurring  thermonuclear warfare. (And also 8:1-5?)

This is hard to see because the Seals of Revelation chapter six are described (at the beginning of the vision) as their FULL effects from their first occurrence to their very last at the end of the vision.

The Revelation Vision Is Told Three Times

Don’t think Revelation is in strict order! Nor is it in a box titled ‘seven years only’. The vision’s actually told 3 times: (1)6:1 to 11:19; (2)ch.12 an insert and stand alone history; and (3)13:1 to 19:11 — and it’s all the ride of the white horse rider (see 6:1 and 19:11).

Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Book of Revelation Characters

A many headed geopolitical beast that will be given power and turn beastly (13:1-10, after a fiery crises; after 7:1,3)

The wicked $ity Babylon (upon 7 hills/continents) which “the ‘kings’/politicians of Earth are in bed with” (Rev. ch’s 17 and 18)

The office which carried out fiery 13:13 a small lake of fire (ancients figured had to be the non-Biblical ‘hell’) (13:11-18)

A modern day “false prophet” who’s “strong delusion” has caused western civilization, once called Christendom, to “fall away” from the faith by “seating man as if in the temple of God, as god”/highest power; ‘he’ has many modern “miracles” and wonders (up his sleeve) to impress (19:20; the two in the verse are not humans; this verse is packed.. the one does his miracles “on behalf of” the other)

The forehead/psyche of the wicked $ity Babble-on (and on) which is “mystery babble” (all confusion “responsible for all slain upon Earth” / all of wicked and heartless history (18:24) but had the option to stray been withheld in Eden, thinking and reasoning ability would have had to be withheld as well

The Rider on the White Horse whose ride wins all (6:1-2, 19:11, Col.2:15, Eph.1:10)

If you’ve a mind to read it, the revelation vision is told three times:

#1) 6:1-2 to 19:11

#2) chapter 12 an insert (vs.7 needs Mt.23:39; fulfilled prophecy can be seen in ch.12, from the virgin birth/great sign to Herod the Great (indirectly) to the inquisitions, the Mayflower and ww3; see if you can see them)

#3) 13:1 to 19:11

And it all, is the ride of the white horse rider - beginning and ending with Him - verses 6:1-2 and 19:11.

    I wrote a short book about the first five characters.. Back in 2014(?) So you see I’ve been a radical for some time! (Forty plus years now actually.) I called it “A Nefarious Pentagram”. At the time I wrote another one called “In The Beginning” a short book of short summaries of the Bible Books (which shows the overall story and message the Bible [really] is). I published them on Lulu dot com and sold one, lol (print or download, idk). At the time I didn’t realize about the White Horse Rider - though I did know it is Christ and not the famous anti one most think 6:1-2 is.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Great evils occur. God as Life itself experiences it all. Sex trafficking, every piece by piece abortion. The word translated wrath is one meaning nostril and wind. His anger is a naturally occurring substance. Manifesting in life as consequences. He warns and warns..

As life, and “is perfect” all imperfect is the opposite of life. That’s where the equality of sin is. Word “hamartia” - “missing the mark”.

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Biblical Prophecy And Our Days Ahead

I was asking the Lord for clarity concerning biblical prophecy and upcoming days.. and then I was falling asleep and had one of those quick dreams that’s just part dream.. I was in the crowd let into the capitol.. which was surging down a hallway - but some broke off and went elsewhere - and then the crowd was in the capitol looking around and walking between the ropes for visitors..

Now I know there were others in by breaking a window.. I’ve seen the videos.. Some were trying to stop them.. Others were yelling Antifa! (Which seems to me was their impression, but I don’t think the clips on media showed that.)

Later (and remember the biblical adversary plays all angles he possibly can) I received this image that we are about to enter the jaws of the beast.. That is “the trap”.. And “the bait” is always a sympathy with a cleverly contrived slander.. [as opposed to using logic to persuade].

My question now: are we going to go through the jaws of the trap? Or will we be pulled back? [Which is right where I was at when I asked, lol.]

Friday, January 15, 2021

The Symbolism of the Twelve Stones in Jordan River

When the Israelite tribes had to cross over the Jordan River to get to the promised land, God dried the waters like He had at the Red Sea at their escape from Egypt. While the waters of the Jordan were dry, God told Joshua to tell the people to take twelve big rocks of it out to dry land and build them into a pile where they camped that night. And he told Joshua to make a pile of twelve in the middle of the Jordan while the waters were held at bay. (Joshua 3:14-4:18)

A coming flood, the meaning of the stones Joshua built in the middle of the Jordan River - Joshua 4:9.

Israel is the microcosm. “The nations” is the macrocosm. “As surely as I am the living God," the Sovereign LORD says, "your sister Sodom and her villages never did the evil that you and your villages have done”. (Prophet Ezekiel 16:48)

Deut.32:20 - “I will hide my face from them, I will see what their end shall be..”

Deut.32:22 - “..a fire hath been kindled in Mine anger, And it burneth unto Sheol -- the lowest, And consumeth earth and its increase, And setteth on fire foundations of mountains.”

“The Day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear (from sight) with a roar, the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and its works will be laid bare” 2Pet.3:10. “The Earth will shake to and fro” Isaiah 24:20.