

Thursday, September 28, 2017

All Is Babble

It's all babble. Babylon.

Babylon is whatever is holding sway with and ruling man's world at the time. The Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, Greek Secularism. The Economic Consumer System man has built, with its nonstop activity, voices, commercials.. rat race.

"Come away My beloved" is a line written in the Bible's, Song Of Solomon. The "Song Of Solomon" is said to be the love song between God and people, and between Jesus and His church (believers/followers).

Ever noticed how the initials for Song Of Solomon is S.O.S.?  ...."Come Away My Beloved.." Jesus often told His disciples to "come away to a quiet place for a while.." If we do not regularly meet with Him, where can we find the Quietness that heals? And sustains.

All a babble. It's all a nerve wracking babble. Built on sand. Not built on The Rock.

"Come away My beloved, and be like the deer by the streams in the mountains.." .."He will lead them to springs of living water.." Revelation 7:17

"Whoever thirsts, let them come and take of the water of life freely.." Revelation 22:17 

Friday, September 8, 2017

Floods Fires Earthquake

It's not Apocalypse yet! Other things are prophesied to happen first. A limited thermonuclear event(?); the crashing of man's Babylon system; and a 'one world' government in between(?) the two.