

Friday, June 23, 2023

Arrow That Flies By Night

 Ps.60:4 - You give a signal to those who worship you, so they can escape from enemy arrows. [Signal - nes: a standard, ensign, signal, sign, from nasas - to be high or conspicuous] [Escape - nus: to flee, escape] — You give a signal to those who worship you, so they can escape from enemy arrows.

     Dn.12:11,12 - From the time that is taken away [sur: turned aside, removed] the continuous [tamid: continuous, perpetual] and is set up [nathan: to give, put, set] the abomination (this time upon the human temple meant for God’s Spirit/Presence?) that desolates, shall be 1,290 days. (3.5 hebrew years, plus 30 days. A hebrew leap year?) 12 Blessed are they who wait and come to [naga: reach] the 1,335 days - (something is set up and given about 3.5 years, plus 30 days, after Israel’s continual is taken away - Mt.24:1,2 - As Jesus was leaving the temple grounds, his disciples came up to Him to point out its buildings. 2 And He said to them, “Do you see all [pas - all] this [houtos, hauté, touto: this]? I tell you not one stone will remain atop another, that will not be thrown down [kataluó: to destroy, overthrow, loosen thoroughly, from kata - down, and luó - to loose, release, dissolve].

     Rev.2:10 - “…you shall have tribulation ten days..”

     [Desolate - A primitive root; to stun, grow numb, i.e. devastate or (figuratively) stupefy, make amazed, desolate, be destitute, destroy, waste, wonder] ?? - 1,290 days after the West Wall is taken away/destroyed(?) will be set up the notorious (lauded?) triple six desolating abomination.. Happy are those who reach 45 days later, the last “ten days” escalating from “cannot buy or sell” to “will be killed”? Rev.13:15-17.