

Sunday, January 12, 2020

An Unholy Trinity

Unholy Trinity Of Last ‘Hours’

First in the last ‘hours’ unholy trinity is a world beast/body with iron/bronze - a Roman/Graeco institution of Rev.13:1-6; Dan.7:7,19-20 with 2:31-45. It is awaiting breath/authority from its head (#2) which expired but is then resurrected (when it finally, heartily, signs on)..

The 2nd member of the unholy trinity is the “beast coming up out of the earth” of Rev.13:11, who assists the world rule, performing satanic miracles/modern miracles and wonders, like at the breaking open of Seal 6 - but the seal’s full effect to the ‘end’ is described at its first occurrence, which was HUGE, and was the same event told in Revelation 13:13, which event pinpoints an OFFICE, not an individual. Who again prominent in last ‘hours’, will cause the nations to worship (have allegience to) the image of the beast, the last great idol to replace God Most High (Rev.13:12-15). He will have power of the economics of the world, causing that only those who worship the beast can buy or sell. (Rev.13:16; Dan.12:12?)

And 3rd - is the “the false prophet”/teacher of man’s own theory of ‘life’, who is mentioned in Revelation 19:20. Or is that theory. The false prophet and theory is the enabler and propagandist for the (coming) world rule, because ‘his’ “strong delusion” causes western civilization, once called Christendom, to “fall away” from the faith (and into dissolution). And it “seats man in the temple of God” as highest power, choosing good and evil “showing himself that he is god” and thus should rule - for survival of the fittest to save the planet and man’s ‘evolution’.

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