

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

For Prophecy Scholars

Lately when I read about “the lawless one” - not that I don’t think there will be an individual - but lately I’ve been seeing it as modern man and his theory of evolution. (And but for the “grace/unmerited favor and help of God, there go I.)

Paul wrote how the “mystery of iniquity”/lawlessness was “already at work” in His day.. And though it’s not widely known by most folks, evolution, or life progressing from matter (stone or moisture) to plant, to fish, to animal, to human, has been around since (at least) the days of Babylon. And one place it was popular was among philosophers of Greece.

Lately when I think of the lawless one seating himself in the seat of God and in the temple of God - not that I totally disbelieve the idea of a very literal fulfillment - but I’ve been thinking of it in terms of evolution, as seating one’s self in the seat of God as ‘higher power’. Deciding what is good and evil.. showing one’s self  that he/she is ‘god’/highest power.

I definitely think of the evolution theory as the origin of life, as the false prophet/teacher/teaching whose strong delusion has caused western civilization, once called Christendom, to fall away from the faith. And basically become a head of Babylon.. from the woman of Revelation 12 [the faith] to the harlot [Greek “pornos”] of Revelation 17 and 18, who made the merchants wealthy. And the kings of earth/politicians are in bed with her.

Her products range from necessities and luxuries to the very bodies and souls of people.

Ironically some (most?) of those kings will (finally) devour, consume, deplete her (deplete/waste capitalism having gone extreme and gone ‘pornos’ corrupting all 7 continents of Earth). When she crashes in one hour and falls in a day, the merchants will weep.

Note: previously having one third death in (upon?) the seas/trade? One third death of trade? Coming? When, we don’t know.. After limited thermonuclear as warfare in or from the Middle East? Ending the pause of it we are in (Rev.7) after which things will escalate. But it must be understood that the seals in chapter six are described as a blend of their first and their last - from beginning to full maturity/progression/gallop(?) - obscuring the vision by describing events which occur late upon the planet, at the very beginning of the vision! Also note, Rev. 12 is an insert.

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