

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Keys To The Visions Of Daniel And The Book Of Revelation

King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a giant statue and God gave Daniel the interpretation. Most historians agree, in that statue, the bronze (part of it) was Greece, and the iron was Rome.

The biblical beast of Revelation 13 (verses 1 through 10) has in it both bronze and iron. Surely (!) this represents Western Civilization who's roots are Greco/Roman. Greek drama, philosophy, etc. Roman senates, courts, architecture, etc. We know this because of Daniel 7, verses 7 and 19 -- Daniel's version of the Revelation 13 ('big') beast.

This beast has ten horns. This coincides perfectly with the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar's dream statue, of which, in the vision, the Kingdom of God (as a mountain) is thrown at the feet of the statue, toppling the whole statue (of man's empires).

By these ten horns and ten toes (part iron/western and part clay/not western?) -- which Revelation says will rule one (final) hour with the beast.

So! When we (whomever in that day) see "ten" it can be known that things, of bible prophecy, are progressing right along!

[Western Civilization, once called Christendom, has fallen away from the faith, due to the strong delusion (teaching) of the false prophet. A prophet is an inspired "teacher". The false prophet began as a man, Charles Darwin.]

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The other major sign (I want you to know, and pass on(?) is Daniel 12, verses 11 and 12. Whether it is the removal of the Wailing Wall where "perpetual" prayers are offered "daily" or the stopping of sacrifices in a Third Temple -- Three (Hebrew) years and seven months later, the desolating abomination will be "set up" and happy is the one who waits and comes to 45 days later.

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  • Revelation 13:13 occurred in 1945, pinpointing an office, not a person.
  • The seals of chapter six are elements of the latter age, the years of our Lord, CE. They are described as a blend of their 1st and their last -- Obscuring the vision and dusts of earth with galloping hooves. Seal 6 is also 13:13 - Then the winds (of it) are held back for a time - 7:1.
  • Chapter 12, may fit in the narrative as very last days occurrences, but it is definitely an insert and total history (of the faith) beginning with Israel and ending with Israel. (Mt. 23:39 is necessary to understand how Revelation 12:17 is also Revelation 16:14,15,16.) Note 15, tucked in between 14 & 16.

This, I think, is the conclusion of the matter. There's studies, outlines, revelation in pictures, in poem on this blog.. The Lord bless you! Cause His face to shine upon you! "He will lead them to streams of living water.. and no heat nor sun shall smite them." [Especially if you are a "Philadelphian"? Of brotherly/sisterly love. Helping to provide meat for the Lord's household (rather than beating upon fellow members?.. Mt 24). And a special note, beware the spirit of too much metaphor applied to God's Word(s).. A self glorying! Which says 'see all the mysteries I understand!']

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