

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Modern Miracles and Wonders

Have you ever wondered what the scripture means when it says in latter days there will be signs by a false prophet (so called)? Signs which will be miracles and wonders? The signs and wonders being that by which the nations are deceived.

I've caught glimpses of this phantom.. In my understanding of it, that is. But lately it's been really hitting me. What with the modern wonders of not only vaccines and medicines, but also phones, drones, and news at our fingertips.. (Especially phones.) All building the culture within itself. Modern wonders, in my mind, now overlaps signs and wonders. A false prophet (teacher? teaching? that does, in its way, have prophecy? and wonders..)

Though including good, noble people, by and large, this would be a group more enamored of their own selves, than Hollywood? No, not the politicians/kings of the earth. ("Kings of the earth" being, of course, the Bible speak of 90 A.D. / C.E.)

[The Book of Revelation is so huge and in our face, we don't perceive it!? The top power holders. Of today. The top untruth influencing the world, especially (what once was) Christendom.]

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