

Monday, February 13, 2017

What A Paradox

We find ourselves between a rock and a hard place! Perhaps this has been true of life all down through the centuries. These days, we don't want Corporations to be too big and powerful, nor do we want them to be able to abuse and pollute the planet and the air we breathe. For this results in the abuse of people.

On the other hand, we have government, which we can endow with ever more and more administration and offices with ever increasing reach and power, in order to control and curb these corporations. But throughout history, government has done an incredible amount of abusing of the people.

But how clever if both ends of this paradox can make it seem as though they are battling each other, but in truth, both ends (sides) are enabling both! While at the same time, their fiery rhetoric divides people and sows deep dislike even hatred between them. And meanwhile both poles of the paradox stealthily just keep on growing.

And where in history has a nation fared for the better if their division turned so bitter, rioting turned into battles? Isn't that when beasts are able to rise to the top? Or are we to believe humanity has 'evolved' beyond such.. We can't only consider today, but also tomorrow. Where will the trends we set in motion lead?

If we don't like corporations, why don't we quit buying so much of their stuff? Buy less, live simpler lives. Buy local. Do the research. Or will it simply continue (and progress?) this shaking of the fists of people, toward one another?

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