

Friday, February 27, 2015

Revelation #6 - Last Ten Of 45 Days

 ~ ~ ~ This is Prophecy Sentence Part 6 ~ ~ ~
= [R.20:4b\R.2:10 + Dan.12:12] ( = part of the prophecy sentence, 1st of 2 )
Revelation 20:4b/2:10
"...and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded.. ...and you will have" (this?) "tribulation for ten days.."
Daniel 12:12 (Young's Literal Translation)
"Blessed is he that waits, and comes to the 1,335 days." [Daniel 12:11 - "and from the time of the turning aside of the perpetual [sacrifice], and to the giving out of the desolating abomination, [are] days 1,290." Daily sacrifice/place of, removed, 1,290 days later - the giving out of the desolating abomination. Blessed is he who comes to the 1,335th day.
---- These studies are not necessarily in the order they occur in the Book of Revelation.----
Revelation #1 - The Bible Tells Us All Things - (USA)
Revelation #2 - Fat Man and Little Boy
Revelation #3 - Not Even One Stone
Rev #4 - Drought Ends World Peace
Rev #5 - A Happy Dragon
Rev #6 - Last Ten Of 45 Days
Rev #7 - Crash In One Hour 
The whole sentence:  R.12:14(USA) + (R.6:12-17 + 13:13@1945) + (Mt.24:1,2 + Dan.12:11a) + [Lk.23:31 + R.12:16 + Mk.13:8] + [Dan.12:11,12 + R.13:17 + Mt.24:15] = [R.20:4b\R.2:10 + Dan.12:12] + (R.18:2-19,24 + 17:2)
In other words, what I have gathered will likely unfold concerning Bible 'end' times prophecy is there will be a seven year peace treaty of the nations of the world. (Or just in the Middle East as some think?) In "the midst" or middle of this 'peace' the Wailing Wall, a place of daily worship and petition in Jerusalem, will be taken away and removed. And roughly three and one half years later, the "abomination which desolates" (666) will be "set-up" affecting "buying and selling" for forty five days, with the last ten days becoming critical (Revelation 20:4b and 2:10). [Daniel 9:27; 12:11,12 and Matthew 24:1,2]
 ~ I'm on the look out for a verse or verses which mention a 'marriage' of two world political powers.. The (world) beast of Rev 13:1-10 married to or infiltrated by the political force which has in it Rev 20:4b.

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