

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Is Sunday Worship the Mark of the Beast?!

The Hebrew Spring Holy Days were fulfilled by Jesus' first advent.. crucified on Passover, buried as the 2nd Holy Day was beginning (as the sun went down, as ancient Hebrew days begin at sundown).. On the Day of Unleavened Bread (sometimes also called Passover) he was put into a cave as his tomb and burial. He was in the grave for 3 nights and 3 days, as He said He would be, rising as the regular weekly Sabbath was ending. The 3rd Holy Day of Spring Holy Week was the regular Sabbath on Saturday. He rose as it was ending, making 3 full nights and days and as the 4th Spring Holy Day was beginning, or about to begin. This day being the Feast (or Holy Day) of the Waving of a Single Sheaf of Wheat in the Air. Jesus was the first single one to be resurrected. This day always fell upon the day following the regular weekly Sabbath. Then also of course would come Pentecost, 49 days or 7 weeks later, making the Holy Day of Pentecost also always following upon the day after the regular weekly Sabbath day. "These are the set feasts or appointed seasons of the LORD, which you shall proclaim to be HOLY.." Leviticus 23:37 (Amplified Version) The Spring ones are verses 1-16.
- Sunday is the Roman name, and yes it was named after the so called sun 'god'(demon) but Saturday was named after Saturnalia, another Roman 'god'/demon. Satan&Co own nothing, can only steal and confiscate.

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