

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Bible Prophecy - Nebuchadnezzar's Dream Statue

The empires the statue represented, most historians agree, the gold, silver and bronze is Babylon, Media-PERSIA, and Greece.. The iron most believe is Rome, with towards the end, the ten toes (parallel in 'last' days to the ten kings of rev) are a blend of iron/western and clay/not western. (Daniel 2:24-44) [The Ottoman Empire, and the nations after it, being part of the clay. I believe all these others in latter days will be subdued by the iron type politics - senates, courts, architecture.. And that the Ottoman Empire was subdued/split into Saudi Arabia and Yemen by the modern iron/western organization of the League of Nations, forming much of the foundation of what is the Middle East today, and will be the Kings of the East (East of Jerusalem). And who will work closely with the 'last' days Roman/Greek world beast. (Rev 20:4b)]

The beast which Daniel later saw (7:7,19,20) is a cross-reference to the one at Rev 13:1 (ten horns). By this we find out that this beast has two of the metals of Nebuchadnezzar's dream statue, the iron and bronze. Rome and Greece (Graeco/Roman roots is how I learned it in school - the Roman/Greek as the foundations of western civilization; besides the Christian.)

Summary- Rev 13:1 - The big beast of Rev 13:1(-10) has "iron teeth" (iron columns) and "bronze claws" which it uses to "scatter/scrabble the residue" - the Greek based secularism of our day has changed and scattered/scrabbled western civilization (with its bronze claws).

This makes me think, there's a Roman/Greek foundation to the 'last' days world beast who will declare a treaty for a week, but the clay and the iron won't really mix.. it won't be real peace.. (won't endure, but wars and rumors of wars will flare up in the midst of, in challenging times until the last battle which takes place in the Middle East against Israel/Jerusalem.)

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