

Monday, August 17, 2015



        a. This outline ignores inner, spiritual symbolisms other than how, ultimately, `
            all which is built upon untruth, can only fail and fall.
        b. The Hiroshima, Nagasaki thermonuclear bombing in 1945 was the breaking
            open of a sixth seal on a scroll called the Revelation vision, or Apocalypse.
            Following this, a pause.
        c. Until limited thermonuclear. (In or from the Middle East?)
        d. The office which began its use and a world body become much stronger
            and join forces; Peace treaties.
        e. Peace treaty w/ Israel is broken, (and the place of?) daily prayers is
            removed/ceased/taken away.
        f. Much drought - Regional conflicts of the world flare back up - Marshall
           Law five months - Mega troops from China to Middle East
           battleground - Man's global "city" had crashed? now falls.
        g. Three years plus seven months (made up of 30 da. months) after the treaty
            w/ Israel is broken, the notorious '666' is "set up". And "blessed is the one
            who comes to (the) forty-five days later".
            (Daniel 12:11,12; all other verses are in the outline.)
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I. Revelation 13:13 occurred in the year 1945, pinpointing an office.
   This is also "Seal Six" of chapter 6, verses 12 through 17.
        a. The "Seals" are described as a blend of
            (1) what they are at their beginning, and
            (2) what they are as fully grown and at full maturity, at the 'end'.
            This obscures much of the Revelation vision.

II. We are in the pause of thermonuclear as warfare. (Rev. 7:1 to 8:6)

III. (Rev. 8:5, and later 8:7-12) - Limited thermonuclear warfare (in or from
      the Middle East?) This is the breaking (open) of the "Seventh Seal" on the
      scroll which is the Revelation vision. At the breaking of the 7th Seal things
      escalate. The scroll is fully unrolled.
        a. Seven angels with "Trumpets" prepare to sound with these results:
            (1) Environmental woes
            (2) Droughts (Rev. 12:16 + Luke 23:28,31)
            (3) The (two horned) office of Rev. 13:13 or one of that office (at one time?)
                  takes his/her seat in the prime office(?) of Rev. 13:1-10 a world beast/body
                  "which was, then wasn't" (when its head expired, not having signed on
                  after all) then after 13:13 "was once again" but lacks "breath"
                  (much authority) for some time (verses 14,15).
                  Treaties, especially between the dove and the vulture?
                  A (world?) Great Treaty? (Or just w/ Israel?)
            (4) Israel's (place of?) daily prayers and praise is taken away.
                  Aka? Matthew 24:1-2, "..not one stone will be left one atop another"..?

IV. Global Babylon (called harlot, the Greek "pornos" and "to sell") of the Earth
      crashes "in one hour.."

V. Three final "Woes" (results of mankind's doings)
        a. Five months of Marshall Law, via helicopters, or? (Rev. 9:5-10, written 90 C.E.)
        b. Troops from China to the Middle East battleground / Great War (Rev. 9:14,16)
        c. Daniel 12:11,12 - From the time Israel's (place of?) daily prayers and praise is
            removed, until 666 is "set-up" will be 3.5 Hebrew years, plus thirty days.
            Blessed is the one who makes it to day 1,335.. which is 45 days later.

VI. Babylon the Great / Global Babylon,
      whose forehead (psyche) is "Mystery Babble" (all untruth)
      falls "in one day.." (Rev. chapters 17 and 18)
         a. (During?) "...will lead to streams of living water" (Rev. 7:17)
             "..waters in the day when the towers fall". (Isaiah 30:25)
         b. "Immediately after the tribulation of those days.. they will see the
             Son of man coming on the clouds with power and great glory."
             (Matthew 24:29,30)
             "When Jesus is revealed from heaven with His mighty angels and in fire ..He
             will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather
             His own from the four winds of Earth."
             (2 Thessalonians 1:7,8; Matthew 24:31 )

             "The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice
             of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise,
             and those believers who are alive shall be caught up together with them in
             the clouds to meet the Lord.." .."He comes on the clouds with ten thousands
             and thousands of His holy ones." (1 Thessalonians 4:16,17; Jude 1:14)

             "In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last Trumpet  ..the dead
             shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed, for this corruptible
             must put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality..
             swallowing death in victory". (1 Corinthians 15:52-54)
             "As we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the
             image of the heavenly." (Verse 49)

             "When the 7th angel sounds his trumpet, loud voices in heaven say, 'The
             kingdoms of the world are become the kingdoms of our LORD (God) and
             of His Christ (Messiah) and He shall reign forever and ever'." (Rev. 11:15)

        c.  "...lightnings, noises, thunderings, earthquake, and great hail.."
             (Great debris? when the towers fall?) (Rev. 11:19)
             "Come out of her (city Babylon) my people.." (Rev. 18:4)
        d.  "And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount(ain)
             of Olives," Jerusalem. (Zechariah 14:4)

VII. His return is called the "Second Advent" and the "millennium" ("Day of the LORD")
        a. "He shall judge nations.. they shall beat their weapons into plowshares
            and pruning hooks.." (Micah 4:3)
        b. The millennium of Jesus lasts 1000 years.

VIII. "When the 1000 years are ended.." (Rev. 20:7)
        a. "the dead, small and great, stand before God" - this is the 2nd resurrection,
            which is of all those not resurrected in the first one,
        b. and which, at the conclusion of, "death and the grave" (usually translated 'hell')
            are no more .(Rev. 20:7-14)
        c. "The books are opened" - A great 'day' of the review of all mankind's
            history and doings? "I will put my law into their hearts. And in their
            minds I will write them." (Hebrews 10:16 & Jeremiah 32:33) "The queen
            of the South will rise up in the judgment with this generation ...for
            indeed a greater than Solomon is here..." ( Luke 11:31)
            "All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all
            the families of the nations will worship before Him." (Psalm 22:27)
                (1) If Jesus' 1st Advent is said to have fulfilled Israel's ancient Spring
                     Holy Days (as prophecy)
                (2) Won't the three peaks of His long 2nd Advent fulfill the stretched
                      out Autumn Holy Days of :
                       #1 - Trumpets - 10 days (1000 years) later
                       #2 - Day of Atonement - with the next, #3, 5 days (500 years) later
                                a. Day of Atonement was an annual, historic, national day
                                    of great mourning, repentance and forgiveness.
                                    (1) "Whatsoever soul will not be afflicted in that day will be
                                          cut off from among his people." (Leviticus 23:29)
                                    (2) All Jubilee's began on a Day of Atonement.
                                 b. (Then) "anyone whose name is" (still) "not written in the Book
                                     of Life" (still not believing/redeemed/reconciled/in love
                                     with God) "are cast ("age-lasting"-per the Aramaic and the
                                     Greek words used vs the English) "into the lake of fire".
                        #3 - (Until finally) Tabernacles - God, the Father "will now tabernacle"
                               (tent/live with) man on Earth made new, in a universe made
                               new - "Behold. I make all things new." (Rev. 21:3,5)
                                 a. The heavenly Father, "God" who "is Love," Life, Perfection
                                     (1 Jn 4 and 5) "will be all in all". (1 Corinthians 15:21-28)
                                 b. "All things in heaven and earth having been gathered
                                     into Jesus" (Colossians 1:20)
                                 c. "Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life,
                                     clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and..
                                     ..on each side of the river.. the tree of life, bearing
                                     twelve manner of fruit each month.. and the leaves
                                     of the tree for the healing of the nations.. Behold,
                                     I am coming soon! Blessed is the one who keeps the
                                     words of the prophecy written in this scroll..
                                     ..And God will wipe away every tear.. there shall be no
                                     more death, nor sorrow, pain, nor crying."
                                     (Rev. 22:1-2,7; 21:4) "The lion will eat straw like
                                     the ox. The bear will graze with the cow."
                                     (Isaiah 11:7)

© 07/28/15